Online Application for L.K.G. 2025 - 2026 will open on 17th February, 2025 (Monday) at 10.00 a.m.

L.K.G. Online Application 2025-2026


School Syllabus
“Equitable Education System” (Samacheer Kalvi) framed by Government of Tamil Nadu is being followed up to standards I to XII.

Subjects taught up to 10th Standard
Students up to 10th standard, besides studying the 5 core subjects - Tamil, English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science, they have to study the additional subjects - Computer Science, Arts & Crafts, General Knowledge, Spoken English, Hindi, Physical Education, Christian Doctrine (for Christians only) and Moral Science (all others) to develop their skills and inculcate basic human habits, characters and values.

Higher Secondary
We offer four streams/ groups to students of +1 and 2.
Stream I : Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology.
Stream II : Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science.
Stream III : Economics, Commerce, Accountancy, Business Mathematics and Statistics.
Stream IV : Economics, Commerce, Accountancy, Computer Application.

Language option
1st Language – Tamil and the 2nd Language: English/French

The National Service Scheme, popularly known as NSS is an extension of activities to the higher education system to orient the student (youth) to community service while they are at school. The NSS unit functions extremely well and enables us to train and orient the young mind into self-discipline, right orientation and dedication to service.

The Bharat Scouts and Guides (BSG), an approved type of character training for boys and girls to be good citizens, insists a sense of responsibility and trustworthiness. It provides the individual opportunity to develop initiatives and leadership qualities such as self-control, self-reliance and self-direction. Students introduced into BSG gains character formation, good habits to maintain sound health, useful skills and cultivation of mind to service. In appreciation the BSGs are honoured by President Award, Prime Minister Shield and Governor Award.

Special Classes
Special care and attention is given to slow learners. Free coaching classes for the slow learners are being conducted in the school. Parents are asked to follow closely the progress of their children and encourage them further.

Intensive Coaching for 9, 10, +1 and +2
Intensive attention and care is being provided to all the students of 9, 10, +1 and +2 and more specially the slow learners since they go for Public Exam. The slow learners are placed under improvement scheme. They should attend the intensive coaching regularly and write their improvement tests till they are able to distinguish themselves academically.

School Hours
Monday to Saturday: 9.00 am – 4.00 pm